Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Treatment Day 2

Good news from the doctor today Johns PSA is way down to 0.9. that's from the implants that he gets every month and the last one of those was this evening. I really like his doctor, she is very light hearted but spot on with how she responds to him. He had to put in a prescription in at the hospital to put on the area where he's having the radiotherapy and he has to use baby soap because most soaps have some kind of metal in them. I never knew that. The actual treatment only take about 10 minutes but the wait to have it done was somewhere in the region of half an hour. Still have only one machine working but that seems to be the normal thing.

We were out of the house for over five hours, made quick stop at the grocery store and I made a killer stew for dinner. Stopped by hosister inlaws house for coffee and got home about 5:30.

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