Friday, February 29, 2008

Well done Prince Harry.

I'm glad you got to serve a short tour in Afghanistan like you wanted to. I know you would have served longer if the bloody Australian and American press had not outed you. Bastards!


thrice said...

You can thank Matt Drudge
That's the same person that broke the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Nice. Real. Nice.

IamDerby said...

I agree that was really wrong. Some news stories are better left uncovered.

Kay Dennison said...

Ya know, I am so tired and disgusted with the paparazzi intruding on people's lives and I am even more tired and disgusted that they have a market for their stuff among the great unwashed. I have no burning need to know every minute detail of anyone's life unless it impacts me directly and neither should anyone else.

I really respect Prince Harry -- he is a fine young man! Didn't those idiots consider that outing him was putting him in harm's way? I guess not -- I guess their 30 pieces of silver was more important.

What a world we live in.

merrymary said...

"Bastards" is being kink! Can you get the picture of what kind of "humans" create danger for others, report any sensationalize news and have no concept of good news selling? Pretty ugly picture. Yet we continue to buy the tabloids and the continue to write and invade privacy. I wonder what steps would be effective to curtail that kind of selfishness...

merrymary said...

Hey! I meant "kind"

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