Monday, August 06, 2007

1941 to 1954. The war years thorough

to when the last of the food goods came off of rationing in England. This is one of the cook books that I've ordered and not so patiently waiting to be delivered. I'm hoping that I will find some original recipes from our childhood. Spotted dick, lamb stew, bacon and onion roll, stuff like that.

It seems to me that food was more tasty back then, or is it just a memory? If I remember rightly, I liked my nans Christmas pudding. I'd love to make an old fashioned one this year. Even if I hate it now, hubby would enjoy it.

I can remember when sweets/candy came off of rationing. My nan, my mothers mum, gave us silver thruppenny*** bits to spend to celebrate this momentous event. But I don't ever remember handing over ration books to buy the sweets, from Mr. Green in the news agents. Maybe my mother did and I just don't remember it.

I can remember wanting to play with the rabbits my mother raised in the early 50's. LOL Now I know why she didn't let me play with them or the chickens. I sort of shudder to think that I ate those cute bunnies. Umm can't eat rabbit since my son was a young lad and had a very fluffy white rabbit called Flo. Hubby loves it baked but somehow I always over cook it. Maybe this cook book will tell me how to roast it properly. I think I would/might/maybe try it if I made rabbit stew, too many bones said hubby. Then again maybe I wouldn't LOL.

We also ordered"How to Recognise and Pick Mushrooms. I looove mushrooms, but would I be brave enough to eat them if we picked them? That is the question. Maybe have hubby try them first, giggle. I really want to try Chicken of the Woods. It grows in trees and hubby know where one was growing. But me being the coward I am wouldn't let him pick it until we can have a better picture in our hand.

Chicken of the Woods mushroom.

***Getting old, can't remember how to spell that now.


Kay Dennison said...

I love mushrooms -- my dad would take me mushroom hunting as a little girl. A half pound of musheooms and a big chunk of REAL butter and some good crusty bread and I have a meal! lol

Anonymous said...

Vanda!!! What in God's name is "spotted dick"??? It's got a very provactive name!! Lol.

Kim said...

Being born in the US in 1957, I never had rationing or anything but you are correct - food tasted better in the old days!

My grandmother would cook green beans in bacon grease, fry up big thick porkchops and smother the salad in real Italian dressing.

No one cared about fat, cholesterol or calories - and it was really good. Now everything is bland and "healthy for you".


Spotted Dick looks, uh, interesting but I'm not sure I could eat it if I knew what it was called! : D