Friday, September 15, 2006

Hello Blog

Sorry I haven't been around more, lots going on in my life for a change. The birds are still coming to the bird feeder. The tits and sparrows are starting to use the fat ball feeder. I think they are getting ready for winter. Wonder if this is a sigh we'll be having a hard winter the weather folk are predicting.

Hmmm I wonder why the word "blog" came up as a misspelled word in the spell check? You'd think blogger would have that word firmly in the spell check.

Why is it when you decorate the whole house looks a total disaster area?. The old wallpaper and border are down in the kitchen ready for the hubby to start putting up the tiles tomorrow. Just a few bits to buy at the DIY store tomorrow and off he jolly well goes. Gigggle jolly? I don't think so, most likely some blue air around the place LOL. Then we have to wait for a couple of weeks to buy the wall paper.

We went looking for new carpet for the living room and hall this week. I'm so sick of beige so I think blue is the next colour. November is when that's planned for. Sighh have to save up big time next year for the new furniture. Going to take months to save I'm thinking.

Maybe next week I'll be able to post some pictures, if I can figure out how to get them from my camera to my lappy.

Happy Friday!!!!!

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