Wednesday, May 10, 2006

In which I am a non person

HUMPT!!!! I had to use a wheelchair for the very first time at the grocery store. I didn't want to but ya know pain dictates what you do. People didn't look at me, asked John questions and if they did design to talk to me they looked over my head. I ended up getting totally narked and saying....Hello I'm down here, not deaf, blind or anything of that nature. You can talked to me, ask me to move etc. I know I made several people uncomfortable but that's their problem not mine.

I HATED being in a wheelchair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sighhhh.


Karen of Scottsdale said...

I sort of know how you feel. :-)

Vanda said...

I knew you would understand how it feels. Giant {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}} to you Karen

Susan said...

Some people are such dopes! I think it is great that you said something...otherwise people don't clue into their behavior. I hope you are feeling better soon and can kick their butts ;)

Anonymous said...

hi vanda! thanks for visiting my spot...i tried to check yours out once before but only found a porn site for some reason! i loved reading but i confess to loving the hedgehog even daughter and i have just spent about 10 minutes feeding him strawberries--it's just so cute!you can copy that poem that's on my page anytime--it's a beautiful poem isn't it? i wanted to ask, why are you in a wheelchair--and what is the medication for and what is the pain from? i hope you have a wonderful weekend--take care! toni

Vanda said...

Thanks all for the comments kids.

Jo said...

Vanda... I would also like to know why you are in a wheelchair and what is the pain all about. You sound like such a nice person that I'm very sorry to hear that you are in such pain.

And I wanted to tell you that your Spike IS cute!